
How to Make Big Money With Blogs

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In this article I’m going to briefly explain how to make money with blogs. Later on I’m going to suggest a way to get fully trained in building and making money with blogs. To set up a blog, you only need to do these two things: choose a domain name and get it hosted. Find an available domain name through namecheap.com and get it hosted at hostgator.com. You can use any domain search to find a domain name and any hosting company to host your domain name. I just suggest these sources because they are the most popular. It runs about $10 per year to register your domain name and about $10 per month to get your blog hosted.

Next in the process of how to make money with blogs you need to build your blog. To do this, you might use WordPress to create your blog. I’ll suggest another source later on.

The term blog is just short for weblog. A blog is actually a website that has entries listed in it. You simply type in your entry, enter it and it shows up on your blog for all to see.

Next you must get a platform. There are a few choices but it’s probably best to use wordpress.com. It’s completely free, easy to set up you blog and you can customize your theme.

Now the meat of how to make money with blogs. Here’s a couple ways to generate an income once your blog is built. Research will show you additional income streams.

* CPC or cost per click. This is where you would write an article using keywords. You then post your article on you blog. Using the Google Adsense program, you would insert the Adsense code in your article. Google will place ads on top of your article. When someone clicks on one of these ads, they pay Google for the information in the ad and Google pays you a part of the revenue – about 50%.

* Affiliate programs. This is where you would get a percentage of the sale either for a physical product or an e product. Amazon.com is about the most popular program for xnxx physical products.

It’s possible to generate a 5 or 6 figure income per month using either of these methods. They both offer training programs on their sites.

As I mentioned earlier, I’d like to suggest a source that will fully train you to build simple blogs/websites. I like this source because they are ethical and honest and they really are concerned with your success. As a matter of fact they guarantee it. They thoroughly teach you how to make money with blogs.

They guide you to build income generating sites through a series of easy to follow videos. The method used to build these sites is an easy to use state of the art site builder. They practically hold your hand through the entire learning process. They have a student support team that is second to none that answers your questions on a one on one basis. In addition, they offer a Q&A program where questions are also answered individually twice a week and answered on line for all to view. You receive 3 free ready to use sites each month. They all have been pre built for you. All you have to do is personalize each one slightly and it’s ready to put on line and generate an income for you. No strings attached.

I am personally involved with this great organization and have built 15 income generating sites myself. Each one took me less than a day to build from conception to going live on the internet. It gets easier and easier as time goes by. I now know how to make money with blogs.

I know that you want to make money with blogs but whether your income goal is to earn an extra thousand dollars per month or to earn a 5 to 6 figure income per month, you owe it to yourself to check out this great organization. You’ll be glad you did. Simply click the link below for complete details.

Glen Nordstrom is a writer who specializes in making money with a blogs. You can check out his latest website at make big money with blogs, where he provides information and suggestions on the best ways to make big money with blogs. In addition he offers a great opportunity to further your on line marketing skills with a series of state of the art, easy to follow professional training videos along with “hold your hand” type personal help. Also included is help in Twitter, Facebook and video marketing plus much more.